If you have children, you certainly know that their imagination knows no bounds. Kids can come up with such unexpected ideas that sometimes they can make us jealous of their limitless creativity! Who wouldn't want to be like them? Unfortunately, the further into adulthood, the more your imagination "burns out". Is it possible to stop this unfortunate process somehow? To some extent it is: one of the most effective ways is to constantly develop a child's imagination. How can this be done though? It is worth taking care of a child's environment and creating a space that stimulates their imagination. Stickers for the children's room will be perfect for that purpose.
Nothing stimulates creativity as much as fun, colorful surroundings. This simple rule is even used by some businesses when designing interiors of modern office buildings. The same principle will also work in a children's room! It is good to know that each color is responsible for stimulating different types of brain activity: green is calming, blue stimulates intuition, red motivates (and, what is especially important for children, increases appetite), orange promotes optimism, and yellow gives you energy. Colorful children's room wall stickers are a great way to take care of your little one's development, stimulating their mind in many ways. And it goes without saying that colorful stickers are an accessory that also looks beautiful!
There are as many stickers designs and motifs as there are children. Well, this may be a slight exaggeration, but every child is bound to find something that appeals to them. Recently, owls have been very much in fashion, for example. These rather peculiar creatures, which in reality appear a little mysterious and lead a nocturnal life, look much more friendly as an interior design motif. Children's stickers featuring owls are a perfect decoration for a girl's room, although boys may like it too. Happy little owls can occupy an entire wall, sitting quietly in a row on a branch, or watch over your little one from above the desk. There are plenty of ways to arrange the room, and thanks to this beautiful decoration, your child will feel as if he or she lives in an enchanted forest. In addition to owls, your kids will love stickers featuring other birds, bears or animals from an exotic jungle.
Stickers with a motif of a tree are another great way to decorate your child's room. They look cute and make a great interior accessory – thanks to the curved, irregular shapes they can fill spaces between pieces of furniture, creating an interesting effect. You can, for example, place a sticker over a low chest of drawers, so that the "leaves" of the tree fall on the top of the unit. A tree that is "moving" as if it is bending in the wind, will look great near a baby's cot (as if the wind is carrying the child to the land of dreams). Children's stickers can also be combined with the motif of an owl mentioned above to create an eye-catching picture. Another idea is to apply letters on the branches (so that the child learns the alphabet more quickly) or to mount real book shelves level with the branches. These stickers will really look fantastic!
Talking about the development of imagination in children, why not do something unexpected and apply this decoration to furniture? Wardrobes with smooth doors, chests of drawers and cupboard doors are best for this purpose. Children's room wall stickers placed on furniture will look even more interesting than on the wall, giving the interior a special feel about it. Your child will love pulling things out of such cute cupboards, and you can also teach them the names of different body parts in animals as the lower drawer corresponds to the legs, the middle is the belly, the next one is the neck, and the top one is the head (of a giraffe, for example). Children's room furniture stickers are one of the best ways to take care of your child's mental development!
Children's imagination is a real power that helps the little ones to survive in this difficult and incomprehensible world. Let's take care of it and not let it lose its magic. Even seemingly little things, such as reading to the child, teaching them how to draw or simply decorating their space with stickers for the child's room, are important.