Have you ever woken up in the morning just to get some food from the fridge and then spent the entire day lying in bed, binge-watching your favourite TV series? Did you then kick yourself for the rest of the week for not doing a number of other, more interesting, creative and productive things? Yeah… we know that feeling all too well. There is no miracle cure for procrastination and in some cases, taking it easy is even a good thing. However, if you struggle to get things done, we might have something that could help – our motivational posters!
Inspirational posters are unique decorations that encourage you to work hard and think positive. This broad category includes various posters that will motivate you to eat healthily, exercise regularly, be kind to other people, stay productive and fulfil your dreams. The most popular decorations of this type are motivational work posters but you’ll also see many designs that inspire you to improve and focus on other aspects of life!
Lack of motivation is one of the most common psychological conditions of the modern world. If people had to pay a few pennies every time we say “I don’t feel like it”, “there’s no point” or “I’m too tired”, every government on the planet could probably eliminate their budget deficits altogether. Although it may seem that technology has made our lives easier (just imagine how long doing laundry took before we invented washing machines! It must have been terrible!), people actually work more now than they used to. It’s no wonder everyone feels exhausted, sleepy and depressed all the time. After a stressful day filled with tasks and deadlines, it’s definitely easier to sit down in front of the TV or mindlessly browse social media instead of expending more energy on one’s hobbies, learning new skills, doing sports or even spending quality time with family or friends… But aren’t we supposed to work in order to be able to do these other things? This is exactly where our motivational posters come in.
The phrase “inspirational posters” is most often associated with old-fashioned, motivational work posters. You can still sometimes see some of those clichéd 20th-century graphics that encourage you to give it your all, be a team player and work for the common good… It would be more precise to refer to those old designs as “motivating posters”, as they are quite different than our modern motivational posters. Decorations in this category will certainly motivate you, but what they won’t do is ask you to work 12 hours a day! Some of them will encourage you to be a better person, to smile more or to find happiness in the simple things in life, lazy days included! These designs bolster people to develop in all aspects. This is exactly why inspirational posters are a fantastic decorative choice for gyms, yoga studios or fitness clubs. And speaking of specific interiors…
For obvious reasons, gyms, fitness clubs, yoga studios and all other sports facilities are prime candidates for motivational posters. The stylish designs will encourage gym-goers to eat healthily and continue sculpting their bodies. After all, regular exercise requires a great deal of willpower and every bit of positive reinforcement helps. But sports facilities are just the beginning! Inspirational messages in elegant fonts are also wonderful decorations for bedrooms. There’s no better time to get a kick of positive energy than early in the morning, when the dreadful alarm clock rings. The posters also work wonders in offices, both private and corporate, as well as teens’ rooms, since teenagers often need some extra motivation. Finally, we also have amazing motivational posters for students, which encourage them to pursue new academic goals.
Sometimes we think we should attach a disclaimer to every motivational poster, something along the lines of: “Hanging a motivational poster alone does not guarantee achieving success/more efficient work/healthier lifestyle/anything really”. However, there are certain ways to increase the chance of success by treating the poster as a useful tool. Here’s what you can do. Firstly, hang the decoration in a visible place, preferably wherever you most often suffer from a lack of motivation. You could, for instance, display it by your office desk, next to the tempting fridge in the kitchen, in the hallway over your running shoes, etc. Secondly, be specific! If your dream is to run a marathon, you don’t need a poster that encourages you to smile more. You’ll be surprised how many different motivational quotes posters are available. It’ll be easy to find a design that matches your goal. In this case, we definitely recommend fitness motivation posters or motivational gym posters. It’s ultimately up to you whether you treat the poster as just another decoration or a real source of inspiration and motivation. We keep our fingers crossed that you succeed!